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التربح الحقيقي عن طريق الانترنت في الجزء الاخير من الصفحة


لمزيد من الاسئلة و حالات الاشعة ارسل رسالة الي

plethora with cyanosis occurs in all except

for uterine endometrial ultrasound all are correct except?

retroperitoneal collection (abscess)

infant after 1st day of brith coming with central cyanosis and increase pulmonary blood flow ,most common cause is?

most common cause of radiological sign of prothesis loosening?

common features of pulmonary thrombo-embolization except:

the most common radiological sign of pulmonary thrombo- embolic disease?

commonest complication of myocardial infarction:

which of the following will show pulmonary plethora with cyanosis

true for craniofacial trauma :-

commonest complication of myocardial infarction:

in renal vein thrombosis ,which of te following is incorrect?

calcification of the seminal vesicles occurs in the following disease except??

Urinary bladder fistula may occur in all of the following except?

Following are true for fetal antenatal ultrasoundn except?

Sonographic sign of ovulation?

For epiglotitis which statement is false?

Commonest causes of Cushing syndrome?

Following may be associated wit widening internal auditory meatus except

Least likely to presents as respiratory distress in first day of live

Left atrial enlargement are seen in all except?

All are associated wit enlarged left atrium except?

Rt. posterior disc herniation at L4-L5 level compress nerve root?

The following statment is correct concerning rickets?

common cause of liver calcification except?

Regarding the inhalation of foreign bodies?

• Mediastinal lymphadenopathy with bronchial carcinoma least cause is?

لمزيد من الاسئلة و حالات الاشعة ارسل رسالة الي

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